white-tailed deer

White-tailed Deer

Odocoileus virginianus

CLASS Mammalia | ORDER Artiodactyla | FAMILY Cervidae

RANGE Southern Canada to South America

HABITAT Prefer open forests bordering old fields or natural meadows

DIET Leaves, grasses, twigs, brush, vines, fruits, berries, acorns, fungi

Male Weight
Avg. 125 - 175 lbs

Male Length
4 - 5 ft

Male Height
34 - 40 in (at shoulder)

6.5 - 7 months

1 -2 fawns

IUCN Status
Least Concern
white-tailed deer

"White-tailed" refers to the white underside of the deer's tail, which it displays and wags when alarmed. White-tailed deer can run up to 28 mph and are strong swimmers.

Antler size is dependent on the food supply and age of the deer. Antlers start growing in April - May, and are shed annually during January.

white-tailed deer

Male is called a buck. Female is called a doe. Young is called a fawn. Young are born in the spring or summer. Fawns are able to stand and nurse within minutes of birth. Fawns can walk a few hours after they are born, but remain quietly hidden in shrub waiting for their mother to return to feed them.

white-tailed deer

Their natural predators, including wolves, mountain lions, and bobcats, have been significantly reduced over the past century, causing an overpopulation of white-tailed deer in some areas. They are hunted for sport and meat.